
written by an unknown hand

The Fire of God

I sleep in dreams,
I dream of God.
By cover of night
revealed to me,
in a darkened room,
it burns gloriously.

I awake to more dreaming.

God contemplates Itself
in Grace and Silence;
all Learning is secret.

We came into this world
naked and questioning,
if we leave the same way
God will carry us to Heaven.

God is the greatness of all things,
not the vanity of people.
God is Wisdom, contemplating Itself.
In Grace and Silence is the Fire of God:
One goal, to be Wise;
no single road to carry you there.

What is God's is God's alone:
We will never have time to Learn
if we cannot hear over the clamor to own.

The Fire of God will not come
until Its believers agree to be
like God.